Hapworth 16, 1924 is a novella by J.D. Salinger, originally published in The New Yorker magazine on June 19, 1965. It is the last work Salinger published before his death and features the Glass family, who appear in several of his other stories, including Franny and Zooey, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, and Seymour: An Introduction. The story takes the form of a letter written by the precocious and insightful seven-year-old Seymour Glass, while he is away at a summer camp called Camp Simon Hapworth.
number of pages: 25
literary movement: POSTMODERNISM
1st edition: 1965
years of writing: mid 1960s
The letter is addressed to his parents, Bessie and Les Glass, and his siblings, Buddy, Boo Boo, Walt, and Waker. Seymour describes his experiences at the camp, revealing a deep dissatisfaction with the camp’s environment and the superficiality of the other campers and counselors. Despite his young age, Seymour displays a profound understanding of literature, philosophy, and spirituality, as well as an exceptional ability to articulate his thoughts and observations.
Throughout the letter, Seymour offers detailed accounts of the camp’s daily activities, as well as his interactions with other campers and staff members. He also shares his thoughts on various literary and philosophical works, providing critiques and insights that demonstrate his extraordinary intelligence and wisdom. Additionally, Seymour expresses his deep love and concern for his family, often offering advice to his siblings and reflecting on the challenges they face in their lives.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the story is the glimpse it provides into Seymour’s complex inner life, which foreshadows the psychological struggles he will face as an adult, ultimately leading to his suicide in the short story A Perfect Day for Bananafish. In this way, Hapworth 16, 1924 serves as a crucial piece of the larger narrative surrounding the Glass family and their individual struggles with identity, spirituality, and the search for meaning.
Seymour Glass
The central character and narrator of the story, Seymour is a seven-year-old intellectual prodigy who belongs to the Glass family. He is depicted as highly intelligent, sensitive, and spiritually inclined. Seymour has a deep understanding of literature, philosophy, and religion, which is evident in his letter.
Buddy Glass
Seymour’s younger brother, Buddy is another member of the Glass family who plays a significant role in the story. Although Buddy is not present in the letter, he is the one who transcribes and shares Seymour’s letter with the readers. Buddy is also a recurring character in Salinger’s Glass family stories.
Bessie and Les Glass
Bessie and Les are the parents of the Glass children, who are the recipients of Seymour’s letter. They are mentioned throughout the letter as Seymour shares his experiences and thoughts with them.
Camp Members
Various camp members, including campers, counselors, and the camp director, are mentioned in Seymour’s letter as he describes his time at Camp Simon Hapworth. While these characters are not as central to the story, they contribute to the overall atmosphere and setting of the summer camp.
It is important to note that since the story is in the form of a letter from Seymour, the other characters are not deeply developed, and the focus remains primarily on Seymour’s perspective and experiences.
Postponed pain is among the most abominable kind to experience.
- Author: Hapworth 16, 1924 is a short story written by American author J.D. Salinger.
- Publication: The story was originally published in The New Yorker magazine on June 19, 1965.
- Salinger’s Last Published Work: Hapworth 16, 1924 is the last work of J.D. Salinger that was published during his lifetime.
- Glass Family: The story is part of Salinger’s Glass family series, which includes other works such as Franny and Zooey and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters.
- Narration: The story is narrated by Seymour Glass, the eldest member of the Glass family, who is a recurring character in Salinger’s works.
- Epistolary Form: Hapworth 16, 1924 is written in the form of a letter that Seymour sends to his family from a summer camp when he is seven years old.
- Themes: The story explores themes such as childhood, spirituality, intellect, and the complexities of family relationships.
- Intellectual Prodigy: Seymour is portrayed as an intellectual prodigy in the story, and his letter reveals his extraordinary intellect and insight even at a young age.
- Unpublished Book: A book version of Hapworth 16, 1924 was announced for publication in 1997 but was ultimately never published.
- Reception: The story received mixed reviews, with some critics praising Salinger’s unique voice and others finding the story to be difficult and inaccessible due to its dense prose and subject matter.
Despite its relatively obscure status in Salinger’s oeuvre, Hapworth 16, 1924 offers valuable insights into the author’s thematic concerns and the development of the Glass family saga. The novella showcases Salinger’s unique ability to craft complex, engaging characters and explores themes of alienation, intellectualism, and the challenges of navigating a world that often seems shallow and unfulfilling. Through the perspective of young Seymour Glass, readers are provided with a thought-provoking and powerful exploration of the human condition.

Jerome David Salinger was an acclaimed American author best known for his influential novel The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger’s works are characterized by their introspective and rebellious protagonists, often grappling with themes of alienation, innocence, and the loss of authenticity in modern society. Despite his literary success, Salinger remained an enigmatic figure, shunning the spotlight and living a reclusive life.