Silo is a dystopian science fiction novel by Hugh Howey, originally published as a series of interconnected short stories. The first volume, Wool, was released in 2011, followed by the prequel Shift in 2013, and the sequel Dust later that …
J. K. Rowling: The Casual Vacancy
The Casual Vacancy, J.K. Rowling’s first novel for adults, is a dark and thought-provoking exploration of human nature, social dynamics, and the complex tapestry of relationships within a seemingly ordinary English village. Set in the fictional town of Pagford, the …
Robert Galbraith: The Cuckoo’s Calling
The Cuckoo’s Calling, the first novel in the Cormoran Strike series by Robert Galbraith (a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling), is a compelling and intricately plotted crime thriller that introduces readers to the character of Cormoran Strike, a struggling private detective …