Charles Bukowski: Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness

Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness, first published in 1972, is a collection of short stories by the renowned American poet and novelist Charles Bukowski. The anthology presents a diverse and provocative array of tales, showcasing Bukowski’s unique voice, unapologetic exploration of taboo subjects, and his raw, unfiltered depiction of the human experience.


number of pages: 500
literary movement: DIRTY REALISM
literary genre: SHORT STORY
1st edition: 1972
years of writing: 1960s - early 1970s


Bukowski’s stories in this collection delve into various aspects of life, love, loss, and the human condition, often focusing on society’s outcasts and marginalized individuals. With brutal honesty and candor, he captures their struggles, pain, and resilience, shedding light on the darker aspects of existence. His characters include alcoholics, prostitutes, gamblers, and drifters, all of whom navigate the gritty underbelly of urban life, searching for meaning and connection amidst the chaos.

In addition to his exploration of life’s darker aspects, Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness also showcases Bukowski’s trademark wit, humor, and irreverence. His stories often employ a conversational tone and unpretentious language, allowing readers to connect with his work on a deeply personal level. Despite the despair and disillusionment present in many of his stories, Bukowski’s writing also possesses an undercurrent of hope and defiance, celebrating the beauty that can be found in life’s most difficult moments.

The collection stands as a testament to Bukowski’s enduring influence and impact on contemporary literature, demonstrating his ability to captivate readers with his unique perspective on life and the world around him. Through his unvarnished portrayal of the human experience and his fearless exploration of taboo subjects, Bukowski continues to challenge and inspire readers, inviting them to confront and embrace the darker aspects of existence.


Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness is a collection of short stories rather than a novel, so it doesn’t have specific main characters that persist throughout the book. However, there are recurring themes and character types in Bukowski’s stories that capture various aspects of human experience.

The Outsider

Many of Bukowski’s stories revolve around marginalized individuals and society’s outcasts, such as drifters, alcoholics, and prostitutes. These characters often struggle with poverty, addiction, and loneliness, reflecting Bukowski’s own experiences and observations.

The Writer

In some stories, the central character is a writer or a version of Bukowski himself. These characters often grapple with the challenges of the creative process, relationships, and the search for meaning in life.

The Drunkard

Alcoholism is a recurring theme in Bukowski’s work, and many of his characters are heavy drinkers who confront the destructive consequences of addiction on their lives and relationships.

The Lover

Romance, love, and sexual relationships are frequently explored in Bukowski’s stories, often with a raw and unfiltered portrayal of the complexities and challenges of human connection.

The Working-Class Individual

Many characters in the collection come from working-class backgrounds, struggling to make a living and find meaning in their lives. These characters embody the resilience and determination of ordinary people facing adversity and hardship.

While these character types and themes recur throughout the collection, each story features its unique set of characters and situations. Through these diverse tales, Bukowski offers an unflinching and honest look at various aspects of the human experience.

I walked around the block twice, passed 200 people and failed to see a human being.



  • Unfiltered Depiction: Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness showcases Bukowski’s raw and unfiltered depiction of the human experience, exploring taboo subjects and darker aspects of life with brutal honesty and candor.
  • Society’s Outcasts: The collection delves into the lives of marginalized individuals and society’s outcasts, capturing their struggles, pain, and resilience as they navigate the gritty underbelly of urban life.
  • Diverse Array of Tales: The anthology presents a diverse array of short stories, each with its own unique perspective on life, love, loss, and the human condition, reflecting Bukowski’s wide-ranging experiences and observations.
  • Trademark Wit and Humor: In addition to its exploration of life’s darker aspects, the collection showcases Bukowski’s trademark wit, humor, and irreverence, balancing the darkness of his stories with moments of levity and insight.
  • Accessible Language: Bukowski’s stories are written in a conversational tone and an unpretentious language, allowing readers to connect with his work on a deeply personal level.
  • Hope and Defiance: Despite the despair and disillusionment present in many of his stories, Bukowski’s writing also possesses an undercurrent of hope and defiance, celebrating the beauty that can be found in life’s most difficult moments.
  • Enduring Influence: The collection stands as a testament to Bukowski’s enduring influence and impact on contemporary literature, demonstrating his ability to captivate readers with his unique perspective on life and the world around him.
  • Fearless Exploration: Through his unvarnished portrayal of the human experience and his fearless exploration of taboo subjects, Bukowski continues to challenge and inspire readers, inviting them to confront and embrace the darker aspects of existence.
  • Intimate Glimpse: Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness offers an intimate glimpse into the lives of society’s outcasts and the darker aspects of the human experience, providing a unique perspective on life and the world around us.
  • Timeless Relevance: The themes and emotions explored in the collection remain relevant and resonant today, continuing to captivate and inspire readers with their raw emotion and unapologetic exploration of life’s darker aspects.

In summary, Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness is a powerful and evocative collection of Charles Bukowski’s short stories, offering readers an intimate glimpse into the lives of society’s outcasts and the darker aspects of the human experience. With raw emotion, unapologetic honesty, and captivating storytelling, Bukowski’s anthology provides a unique perspective on life and the world around us, inviting readers to confront and embrace the uncomfortable realities of existence.



Charles Bukowski was a German-American poet, novelist, and short story writer who is considered one of the most important and influential writers of the 20th century. He was born in Andernach, Germany on August 16, 1920, and immigrated to the United States with his family when he was two years old. The family settled in Los Angeles, where Bukowski grew up and spent most of his life.


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