Dust is the final installment in the Silo series by Hugh Howey, published in 2013. It brings together the narratives from the previous books, Wool and Shift, into a thrilling and satisfying conclusion. Howey once again demonstrates his ability to …
underground silo
Hugh Howey: Shift
Shift is a science fiction novel by Hugh Howey, published in 2013. It serves as a prequel to his earlier work, Wool, and explores the origins of the post-apocalyptic world introduced in the first book. The narrative of Shift is …
Hugh Howey: Wool
Wool is a dystopian science fiction novel by Hugh Howey, originally published as a series of interconnected short stories in 2011. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the story takes place in a massive underground bunker called the Silo, which houses …